Fall cheeseboard

Cheeseboards are such an easy and beautiful hors d’oeuvre for your next dinner party and we think this one is perfect for Thanksgiving! 

Just assemble and set out and people can grab what they want. No need for cooking (because I’m sure you’ll be busy doing that for your main course) so this makes life much easier! Have fun making these with seasonal ingredients, so for Fall, fruit like concord grapes, figs, and apples are perfect. Cheeses are totally up for you, but it’s a nice balance to have a few different types. Here’s a combo that works well: soft or soft ripened such as Brie, semi hard such as Manchego, and a hard such as Parmigiano Reggiano. Charcuterie, nuts, olives, pickles, dried fruit and crackers are other items usually found on cheeseboards. I like to add a little jar of honey that guests can drizzle over their cheese and crackers. But have fun with it – there are no rules!

Photo by: Karina Strobl

Ingredient Examples

Cheeses (Brie, Manchego or Gouda, Parmigiano Reggiano)
Charcuterie (salami, prosciutto, dried sausage)
Nuts (spiced cashews, marcona almonds, pistachios)
Concord grapes
Jar of honey


Choose a board based on how many people you’re feeding. I used a thick cutting board for a rustic look, but a glass or marble tray would be really elegant.

Arrange your ingredients however you fancy! Some tips are to choose items with different colors so they stand out, use small bowls to contains little items like nuts or messy items like olives. And don’t forget to add a little bowl off the board somewhere for olive pits. It’s ideal to pick items that a variety of people can eat and it’s also nice to have a mix of sweet and savory foods for balance. Have fun with the layout of your board. A quick tip is to nestle items close to each other so the board looks abundant. Enjoy!

Karina Strobl

Karina Strobl, certified nutrition consultant based in Stamford, CT, is excited to be a contributing writer to “In a Fairfield Minute”. Karina has a private nutrition practice dedicated to women’s wellness, with a focus in the areas of hormonal health. Her mission is to hold space for women in a caring partnership that honors bio-individuality and prioritizes education around sustainable nutrition and lifestyle choices. Her passion is to help women regain their confidence, feel healthy, hopeful, energized and empowered. Karina’s nutrition certification is from Bauman College. She is also a graduate of Georgetown University (B.S.) and Harvard University (M.Ed).

Karina’s approach to wellness bridges nutrition science with the tenets of integrative and functional nutrition. She believes that to live well, we must strike a balance in how we nourish ourselves – both through a balanced way of eating and self-care. Karina does not believe in dieting or counting calories, but instead, teaches her clients how to rediscover their intuition around what makes them feel their best. She meets clients where they are and learns what motivates them, using that to develop customized food and lifestyle plans that are realistic and sustainable for the long run. One of the most exciting aspects of her work is problem solving and getting to the root causes of health challenges. Karina specializes in gut health, PCOS, period problems, thyroid, fertility, and sugar detox.


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