Your Thoughts and You: Why Your Mindset Matters
When faced with a challenge, what thoughts come to mind for you? What do you believe about yourself? Are you confident you can address what comes your way? Do you sit back and think, “I can’t” or “I don’t know how?” Do you say, “This will be hard, and I can handle it?” Do you say, “I made a mistake, and I can learn from it?” Following your thoughts, what actions do you take, if any? Wondering why this matters?
5 'Exercise Snacks' You Can Easily Perform for Heart Health
Giselle Castro-Sloboda of shares easy "exercise snacks" that can help get your blood pumping, improve cardiovascular fitness and provide the same benefits as a longer workout.
Jordan Ferrone Set a Goal: 100 Ice Baths Over 100 Days. A Year Later, He’s Still Going.
InsideHook’s Lauren Vinopal had a conversation with the cold plunge king, who started the ritual to improve his mental health.
I did a one-minute deep breathing exercise every day for a month, and I didn’t think it’d be this effective
James Frew of shares his experience with deep-breathing, a relaxation technique that involves taking slow, deep breaths from the diaphragm.
Life can get so busy that we end up just going through the motions, maybe zoning out with a TV show or a game, only to feel that nagging guilt afterward. It's not that downtime is bad, but when it becomes a habit, it can leave us feeling disconnected or unfulfilled. Finding something that truly sparks your interest—something you care about for its own sake—can be a simple way to break the cycle and bring back a sense of meaning and joy.
Gratitude is an inside-and-out elixir you can grab anytime, anywhere — the more you take advantage of it, the richer your life will be. So how to dig in and start growing your gratitude? Here’s where to start:
How To Set a Marathon Goal That’s Actually Realistic
I don’t remember how or why I decided I was going to break four hours in my first marathon. Maybe I’d heard about a friend who did it and it sounded impressive while also somewhat attainable. Maybe I thought because I’d run just under two hours in a half marathon, I could maintain that same pace for twice the distance.
I started a Joy-it wall a few years ago—my one-of-a-kind in-house, low-cost art installation.
The concept = very simple:
Doodles of things that brought me authentic joy.
The Unraveling of Autism
I sat on an old black leather couch in our son’s new psychologist’s office, wondering what the future held. The psychologist explained she would write up the two days’ worth of testing results, and we would meet again to review. I noticed my fingernails digging into the worn leather as I asked if she knew what was going on with my son. She responded, “Oh yes, he has autism.” Tears streamed down my face as I saw our son playing on the floor. He has autism. I reminded myself that he was still the same sweet, funny, passionate little boy that walked into the doctor’s office that day, but now we knew.
Welcome to Adam’s House
Grief is defined as deep sorrow, usually in connection with the passing of someone special or a loved one. We all will have to face grief at some point in our lives. As adults, our age and experience have surely provided us with the tools to process our loss more practically….how do you think our youth will process their sorrow when they lose someone important to them? Will they at all? Will they hide it to stay strong for you? Will they internalize it and not face it simply because it’s scary, or they don’t truly understand what to make of it? As parents and caregivers, we are always looking for the best ways to support our children and young family members. Which is why I feel so blessed to have been introduced to Adam’s House.
Bar Method: 10 YEARS STRONG
After 10 years in business, Bar Method Fairfield continues to be a staple in our community. Sisters Bridget McBride and Caitlin Giambalvo opened their doors to Fairfield on New Years Day 2014, excited and extremely nervous for the future ahead. Believe it or not, barre was not a familiar workout style for the east coast at the time. Bridget, a lover of fitness, had been teaching barre for six years in Hermosa Beach before she had the idea to bring this amazing workout home to Fairfield.
When Life Happens
Life happens. People move, kids graduate, those we love get sick, relationships suffer, the unexpected happens to us when we least expect it.
What do we do when life happens, how do we show up? How do we stay the course when the road gets so bumpy we may want to brake or step aside?
Pause + Purpose
Pause + Purpose, a mediation and mindfulness studio located in Westport CT, helps people of all ages find their spiritual community and lead a life of love and joy through series, classes, retreats, private events, and corporate wellness partnerships. Pause + Purpose was born out of a need to seamlessly connect more people to high-quality mindfulness series, to help them shift their mindsets, achieve their goals, and release anything that doesn’t serve them—all with the help of friends.
10 Things with Jennifer Rossi (MADD)
I had the privilege of speaking with Jennifer Rossi today to chat about her experience working with MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Driving). We’ve all heard of this organization, but I was surprised at some of the misconceptions out there regarding what this wonderful organization does. Please read on and meet Jennifer. She has dedicated so many years to spreading the word about MADD, she loves to travel or roadtrip to new places, spontaneous adventures, read, go to the beach, make memories with her children and play with her 2 curious cats! Love it! Thank you Jennifer for sharing your time with me and giving us the opportunity to help you promote this incredible organization and its upcoming fundraier.
Skin Care regimens
Do you ever wake up feeling like your skin is dry, or too oily, or are you noticing your crow’s feet a little bit more these days? This is where I come in. I can take you on a clean skincare journey and help you find the perfect skincare regimen for you depending on your age, the season, and your situation.
Sun & Aging. Now you know…
Wearing your sunscreen? We know we need to wear sunscreen but do we really know what it’s doing for us? Sun damage is real. The sun and ultraviolet (UV) electromagnetic radiation have the greatest impact on how our skin ages. Our cells have the ability to protect us with our built-in antioxidants, however the cells deteriorate with increase sun exposure.
Ingredients. Now you’ll know…
Everyone is aware how important ingredients are in our food but how much do we know about ingredients in skin-care products? Our skin is our largest organ, so we want to treat it well.
It happens to all of us, you wake up with a breakout, rash or spot on your skin and wonder where that came from. We run out to buy the latest trending product that does not get the expected results or actually makes it worse.
This Food Can Help You Feel Calm + Settled
You sense your ideas would be a great way to start helping your kids or your relationship with your partner. But, no one is willing to listen or have a go at it. Instead, arguing is the flavor of the day. And, you’re left worried- wondering if you’ll ever all get along and, if things will get better for your kids. If you’ve experienced this too, (because this is a page from my life’s playbook), then listen in…
For Moms Who’ve Experienced a Bit of a Sh*t Show at Home and Want to Create Peace + Calm Instead
Andrea is a Health + Emotional Wellness Coach, Speaker + Author.
She helps moms shift out of stress, worry + anxiousness using specific foods + leading edge mindset strategies which help them to feel more at peace with themselves, get along better with their families and actually love their life again