El Camino AMR
It was during a trip to Brazil last year that Kellen, Luke and Sofia’s mom, learned of 23 children who were on a waiting list to get much needed surgeries to improve mobility and alleviate pain, and was compelled to get involved. Kellen rallied a few other Fairfield County mom friends to create a fundraising campaign in benefit of these children who are being supported by an amazing organization called AMR (Associação Mineira de Reabilitação).

All hail the family business! Meet my friend Josue Veliz Ortiz, who basically grew up with a paintbrush in his hand, and a smile on his face. His parents immigrated from Guatemala and since have started, and grown, several family-run businesses, including Future Painting (FP)!

Reflecting on 10 Years of Volleyball: How I Learned to Brush Off the Bad and Focus on the Good in my Life
As I begin my final season as a collegiate volleyball player, I have started to reflect on my playing career. My journey began at age 11, and I have changed a lot over these past 10 years. Volleyball has watched me grow from a little girl to a woman; it has been a major part of my life, and I’m not quite sure how it will feel when I wake up one day and I’m just not a competitive player anymore. Although I won’t be a volleyball player forever, the lessons I’ve learned through the sport will remain with me for the rest of my life. One lesson, in particular, changed my life; I believe it could change yours too.

10 Things with Maggie Lord
We took a beat with Maggie Lord—entrepreneur turned Business Coach and Strategic Advisor—to dig in a bit deeper, pick her brain, and ask some (slightly random) questions! It’s a fun way to get to know someone even better. And Maggie is one of those people you want on speed dial!

bring your authentic energy to your brand…
Sometimes we get stuck in a rut and aren’t sure how to “be” whenever we transition from one life experience to the next, whether that be career or relationship or other change. Yes, maybe the way you do things iterates slightly from job to job, yet it’s always about who you are to the core that truly sets the tone!
“Best Buddies” Friendship Walk Comes To Fairfield County
Caroline Sweeny is a Senior majoring in Psychology & Management at Fairfield University. Yet, all the while, it is hard to ignore her deep passion for spreading love throughout her community. When she arrived at Fairfield U, Caroline was immediately drawn to help grow the Fairfield University Chapter for “Best Buddies” — a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting inclusion and one-on-one friendships between individuals with and without Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, to help create friendships, social opportunities, and a more inclusive community. "Men and women for and with others" is a Jesuit Value that Fairfield University values and emphasizes, and it certainly rings true here.

Working Moms of Fairfield County
Being a working parent can have its challenges. Juggling work responsibilities—sometimes more than one job at that—your children’s schedules, and the all elusive “me time” seems nearly impossible. Sometimes I almost have to add “give yourself a pat on the back” to my daily to-do list just so I can be sure to feel accomplished. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not always like this, days aren’t always filled with stress, but that never ending list of goals to achieve continuously grow longer, and taking time away to regroup and refresh just isn’t in the cards. Or so it seems…

Real talk…in my experience, as a culture we are always (thankfully) positively evolving when discussing/ promoting positive body image, yet now…the broader topic of well, good ‘ol confidence 101, is really at the forefront of most conversations (whether in the boardroom or kitchen or as a parent or even being social), especially since the pandemic. I know (AND LOVE!!!) the following three local women that are providing services/ products their own unique way to help our community feel their best. Yet more importantly, utilizing their knowledge perspectives by offering both physical and mental morale boosters so others can feel better about a targeted issue(s) they deal with. What a gift. Bespoke business, babies!

Real talk…in my experience, overall, younger folks don’t seem to care as much as elders as they could/ should. Most are more selfishly obsessed with their social followers or other age groups (not ALL, I’m generalizing from what I’ve seen IMO, and BTW, including yours truly in that group until recently when I checked myself). I don’t see a whole lot of businesses or young adults really thinking about how elders can be a resource, inspiration.... or (GASP!) how they might possibly positively affect their lives or current and future innovation. So, when I meet those that are proactively trying to support, advance and promote elder care in any way, I get SOOOOOO excited.

Culture + Client Service are still King — Not Content
IMO, many current entrepreneurs, and small businesses are chasing money and followers so much they ignore their mission and lose track of the end goal. Meaning, they work hard at creating content, yet don’t have a company ‘culture’ that’s been thought about, created and much less sustained. When they start to grow, they aren’t sure how to handle it. Whether you are a business of one or 25, you must have culture and client service to retain, grow and inspire. Or all the ‘likes’ in the world won’t save you.

Meet the Fam at Southport Family Dental
Colleen Randall and Pamela Gibson are the owners and founders of Southport Family Dental. “Family” being the operative word. Even though we have known each other for a couple of years now, I just love that there’s always something new to learn about one another. Isn’t that true in all relationships? One thing I hadn’t realized is that these two amazing women dove into starting a business together mere months before the pandemic shut our world down. (I can’t even imagine!) It was certainly a scary start filled with lots of unknowns, but what Colleen and Pamela have built and achieved despite the odds is inspiring. What’s even more commendable is that they never once wavered from their mission: to provide comprehensive dental care built on trust, compassion, and empathy while giving each and every patient their undivided attention.

As I sit at my little seafoam green cafe table, scarfing down a scone and setting up my notepad and pen for the day’s interview, I find myself really excited about the arrival of my guest, Dana Buckmir. Dana is a local writer who not only spends her time tutoring and mentoring young students who wish to enrich their writing skills, but also reviews delicious restaurants in her blog @danaliciousreviews on IG… and is a published author. How cool is that? Today, we finally get to meet face to face, hang, and talk about her amazing life and impact.

Real talk…in my experience, dads don’t seem to get a spotlight like moms do. Whether that’s in the media, publicly, privately etc., yet they ARE a vital part of my new venture called ‘MiddleMeets’ (MM) by G. (a 203 community for parents and educators of teens). There should always be room to honor dads as well. I met with some dads from my MM group to get their honest opinion on whatever they wanted to discuss and provide a platform for them to communicate anything on their mind.

Making the Bottom Line a Top Priority
It’s no secret that raising children is expensive, but one essential item is not covered by federal assistance -- diapers. When Jess Besse and her husband, Dan, heard this statistic as they navigated life with their first baby, they were inspired to take action.

Middle Meets
I started thinking about the parents and caregivers of teens (I myself am a single mama to three teens), and how we receive minimal support during these confusing, stressful years. When you have younger kids AND when you're an empty nester, there are soooo many organizations, groups, articles, resources, etc. It seems like one of the hardest parts of raising children is MOS DEF the teen years, and its legit wild no one is really creating a space for us as parents (not just moms, btw! dads and caregivers and anyone involved with a teen’s life). MM was then born: a central community (private FB group) for 203 based parents & caregivers to share & receive ideas & resources specifically geared to raising teens.
The New 9-5
While multiple revenue streams can be a scary (yet fun!) thought, it made me, along with my neighbor, friend and fellow solopreneur Naj Noonan realize we could do different things, not only to make different income streams yet more so to never get bored and keep on moving in a forward direction with eclectic partners and passionate ideas.

Fairfield Shares: Reduce, Reuse…Give!
If you’re looking for something, chances are someone on Fairfield Shares already has it and would be more than happy to pass it along. Whether it’s a pre-loved piece of furniture in need of a little TLC, outgrown children’s clothes, extra art supplies just lying around, or even an unopened tub of ice cream (true story!). Anything—and almost everything (within the group’s guidelines, of course)—can find a new home here. With almost 5,000 members and an average of 150 posts going up daily, Fairfield Shares is a thriving community of exchange.

Nothing But Love at Luigis Restaurant in Fairfield
Family is the operative word at Luigi’s Restaurant in Fairfield. Chef and owner, Giulio Cavalli, joined his brother, Gianni, in 1976 to run the establishment. 46 years later, Giulio is still using his mother’s recipes that he watched her prepare in his hometown of Ripi, Italy. Today, Giulio’s wife, Lauren, a 4th-grade teacher in Stratford, is also an integral part of the business, filling any role needed, including baking her famous blueberry crumble! Other family members are often spotted lending a hand in the kitchen, behind the register, or serving tables. What makes Luigi’s exceptional is the extended family the Cavallis have also created among their long-time staff and customers.

Ellie Haney Wears Her Heart on Her Sleeve
What began as a therapeutic COVID hobby-turned-side hustle for Fairfield native, Ellie Haney, transformed into a successful business. As her products grew in popularity, she left her job in the corporate world and made the leap to running Hanesie full-time in 2021. Ellie’s intent is “to create a community of support, love, and light,” as a way of helping those who struggle with mental health.

Lights, Camera, Action, Aydin!
Aydin Eyikan has vivid memories when he was eight years old of sitting on the floor in his family room watching “So You Think You Can Dance” and enjoying every moment. Last month 18-year old Eyikan made his Broadway debut in The Music Man starring Hugh Jackman. I thoroughly enjoyed catching up with this exceptional young person.