How To Make Your Partner Feel Loved By Understanding Their Love Language
In our relationships, we speak different love languages. It’s a term coined by marriage counselor, speaker, and author Dr. Gary Chapman, author of “The 5 Love Languages.” If you don’t speak the same language, you can do naked triple backflips to show your partner you love them – they still won’t feel it. But if you do, it will help you connect with your partner, make them feel the love you give, create more intimacy in the long run, and can help avoid conflict and resentment. Here’s your crash course to the 5 love languages…

Here are 5 things I'd never do as a Sex Coach! Number 5 is pretty spicy, so keep reading!

Need something low-budget and fun to do tonight with your partner? Here is an idea to add some fun, connection, and creativity to your date tonight!

Stop and think...when was the last time you actually learned something new about your partner? Whether it was just yesterday or frankly you have no idea, growth in relationships occurs by never stopping the "get to know you" stage

Fall In Love Challenge
Spending just 10 minutes a day of quality time with your partner can completely transform your relationship. It might not seem like much, but those short, focused moments can build deeper intimacy, improve communication, and strengthen your emotional connection.

Transform Your Relationship with This One Practice!
Implementing just one practice per week can drastically change the way you and your spouse communicate, parent, and even argue!

Be Intentional
Creating a happy marriage begins with intention. Intention in a relationship is like the GPS for love – it helps you navigate the twists, turns, and occasional potholes on the road to a lasting connection. I encourage you to act with intention in all that you do.

4 Things You Need to Feel Connected
What does it mean to be truly connected to your partner in a relationship? In my professional opinion, you need to feel these 4 things:

3 Reasons to never fake an orgasm.
1. It breaks down communication in your relationship. AHHH….couples struggle enough with effective communication. Let’s not add another piece to the puzzle. Being able to communicate with your partner effectively, and objectively and coming from a place of kindness, is how relationships grow and thrive. Communication around sex should not be treated any differently. If you tell him/her that you hate that they leave the wet town on the floor, you shouldn’t be afraid to tell them (fill in the blank) feels good! …

What was the last new thing you learned about your spouse?
Communication is the #1 thing that couples struggle with when they come to meet with me. Yup, it's not orgasms or foreplay or lack of libido. It's the lack of or inability to communicate with one another effectively.

Make your relationship unbreakable in 2023 by doing these 3 things!
Make your relationship unbreakable in 2023 by doing these 3 things!

5 Non-Verbal Ways to Show Affection & Appreciation
As you begin to enter the THICK of the holiday season, where things get even more busy…holiday parties, playdates, shopping, wrapping, visiting family etc., we may be ships passing in the night with our partners. It may be harder to have 1:1 time, so here are 5 non-verbal ways to show affection/appreciation.

The Secret to Staying Lovers
Here is the secret sauce to staying lovers and not becoming just roommates. Can you guess?

Fall In Love
If your household is anything like mine, it has been a wild summer and a crazy start to the school year. Getting in those last-minute getaways and fun day trips, house projects, school shopping, and the list goes on and on, right?!

More Than A Mom
If you desire to reconnect with yourself, improve your body confidence, and connect on a deeper, more intimate level with your spouse, all the while surviving parenthood, then this group is for you!

Help! I am Feeling Overtouched!
It's the end of the day and you and your spouse are laying in bed and they lean over and try to snuggle...at this moment you want to crawl out of your skin! Not because you don't like their touch, but because you are OVER TOUCHED.

The Weekly Spouse Meeting
Wondering why I am always talking about Communication? Because we don't do enough of it in our relationship and its the #1 thing that matters! This one practice per week will drastically change the way you and your spouse communicate, parent and even argue!

Do you know what your love language is? Do you know your partner's love language? If you don't know, take a second and take the free quiz to find out.

Desire vs. Arousal
This is one of my favorite things to talk about with my clients! Being aware of what these terms mean, how to ignite them and how they work for you, is GOLD.

Top Tips to Avoid Dating Burnout
Swiping on the apps gets old. I get it. If you’re anything like me you’ve literally tried them ALL. But, let’s think about HOW you’re swiping. Are you doing it with intention or disgust? Are you swiping with the idea that it’s a complete waste of time and nothing good will ever come of it? Well, if you are then do yourself a favor and step awayyyy from the phone! For now. Let’s reframe this.