10 Things With Mister Gelsi
Gennaro Gelsi, or “Mr. Gelsi” to his most avid fans, is one of those vibrant, unique humans who you like five seconds into meeting. His dedication to improving the lives of our children through physical education, positive interactions, and upholding the golden rule is awesome and inspiring. To know him is to love him. Ladies and gentlemen, Mr. Gelsi.
From L to R: Gilda Gelsi (Gennaro’s Mom), Gennaro Gelsi, his son Sebastian, wife Chrissy, and daughter Madelyn.
IAFM: Mr. Gelsi, what do you do for a living?
GG: I am an Elementary School Physical Educator in the state of CT. I have been teaching and coaching in Fairfield since 2004 and am currently the PE teacher at Riverfield Elementary School as well as a High School Rugby coach. I am also a father of 3.
Fun in P.E.
IAFM: Has sports always been a part of your life?
GG: Sports have been a big part of my life since I was young. Having a single mom raising 3 children on her own, she was always looking for opportunities to keep her children busy and sports was a big part of that. I was also in Boy Scouts and became an Eagle Scout in 1998 with Troop 82 out of Fairfield.
IAFM: What do you like to do for fun?
GG: For fun, I like being with my family and doing things with my children. Hiking, Camping, fishing, bowling, golfing, and playing touch Rugby every Sunday at Sturges. I also like to coach, and I help run the Fairfield Rugby Club. I am one of the founders and currently the VP of the organization.
IAFM: You're always such a positive person, what inspires you every day?
GG: My family and my students. If I can bring a little positivity to my students and co-workers every day, I know that they will most likely pass that positive attitude to others around them.
From L to R: First Selectwoman Brenda Kupchick, Riverfield Elementary School Principal Brenda Anziano, Chrissy Gelsi, Madelyn Gelsi, Sebastian Gelsi, Gennaro Gelsi, and Mike Cummings, Superintendent of Schools.
IAFM: You recently won an award, congratulations! Tell us about it.
GG: I was awarded the 2021 Elementary School Physical Education Teacher of the Year Award. All teachers work hard and diligently for their students every day. When you get the chance to be recognized for your hard work and dedication it is always a bonus. It was such an honor to be recognized by my professional organization CTAHPERD (The Connecticut Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance), my school, and the town of Fairfield. Teachers make a difference in children’s lives every day and that is what it is all about.
IAFM: What was your biggest challenge in 2021?
GG: My biggest challenge in 2021 was being able to adapt to anything put in front of me. From teaching over the computer to 3 different student schedules throughout the year, and the ever-changing ways to teach. I had to reinvent how I taught and communicated with students repeatedly. I knew that reaching every single one of my students during the school year was the most important thing. Having those kids know that their PE teacher was there for them no matter what and that I would never give up helping them get through the difficult times we were all dealing with, really was a challenge. Luckily, I had a great support system! My family, the other specialist at Riverfield, my district PE coordinator, and my principal. I was told to teach a certain way and I knew that I could do it better using my own ideas and I was supported by them all!
IAFM: What is your biggest goal for 2022?
GG: Getting back to teaching the progression of skills I know helps children to succeed while catching students up on what they missed in 2020 and 2021. Supporting my student’s mental health and keeping them positive and engaged in being healthy and active.
IAFM: It is plain to see that your students look up to you. We have watched them join you running around the track when you're exercising after school even! How has being a mentor rewarded you?
GG: Growing up in a single-family home with two younger brothers and a mom that was working all the time to support us, I had to look to many role models and mentors in my own life, such as my grandfather, uncles, sports coaches, Boy Scout leaders, and teachers. Coming from this upbringing, I find joy in being that mentor for others that might be in the same boat as I was as a child. There is no better feeling than having a student return one day as a high school grad or even college grad and tell you what you meant to them and how you impacted their life when you were their teacher.
IAFM: What do you aspire to be when you grow up?
GG: When I “retire” from teaching I would like to be a professional Rugby coach in the USA.
IAFM: What would you like to learn to do next?
GG: I would like to learn more about the Board of Education and its processes and procedures.
IAFM: What's your favorite book, and why?
GG: My favorite book is “Lost at School” by Dr. Ross Greene. It has helped me to be a better parent and teacher. It has taught me that every child wants to do well in any given situation if they can. It is when a human cannot adapt to a given situation that they act maladaptively. Having that philosophy has helped me to become more patient with others around me and showed me that I need to find the real reason why someone is acting out instead of adapting to their environment or given situation.
“When we take the time to truly find out what is in the way of a person’s ability to adapt, we start solving people’s unsolved problems, and then we can truly help others.”
Fairfield Rugby Club is on Facebook and Instagram so give them a follow. There’s some big news about to drop!!
To learn more about The Connecticut Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance, please check out their website! CTAHPERD is a non-profit organization that provides members (PE and Health teachers in CT) opportunities to further professional careers.
My P.E. class was not this cool….