bring your authentic energy to your brand…
…whether you’re selling dough OR selling marketing consulting
Sometimes we get stuck in a rut and aren’t sure how to “be” whenever we transition from one life experience to the next, whether that be career or relationship or other change. Yes, maybe the way you do things iterates slightly from job to job, yet it’s always about who you are to the core that truly sets the tone!
I hear this from more and more entrepreneurs, they think they need a “gimmick” to shine… it’s about what you bring to the table to build trust - not necessarily your academic resume, or faux image or board appointments. For example, you can have the best products yet if your client service sucks, then it won’t matter. You just need to translate what makes YOU different from others while you embark on new adventures. Applicable to all that you do. Live the way you “brand” yourself!
When I sold my company two years ago, I embarked on unique journeys as I created three new entities. The common thread? Well, MOI! It’s my personal brand of “Be Your Own G.” that truly sets me apart from others. Not saying I’m better or anything, just defining what makes our approach to “work” tick!
My skills have always been “transferable” because of the passion I bring to everything I do. Because of whom I am.
When I started my first company it was truly based on impeccable honesty, service and passion to connect. I had a marketing agency…now i'm running a local community for parents of teens, a friend dough mobile catering service and a marketing consultancy lolol….the thread that connects it all is STILL the connection piece. The fact that I’m responsive, reliable, will refer to others if I can’t help people.
You can learn skills, yet it’s hard to learn drive, authenticity, how to read a room, how to pivot when necessary, be personable, etc. Those are the traits and qualities I impart into EVERYTHING that I build. No matter what the industry, could be a food trailer or a support community (obvi).
“It’s not about creating a brand out of thin air; it’s about being true to yourself.”
The ‘secret sauce” to how I approach things is how I stay hungry and humble and honest no m atter what. Because being a serial entrepreneur involves a lot of failures. My main goal is always to connect people so that they feel less alone, whatever the venture or end goal.
Brand schmand. Just be YOU
and apply it to all you do. Sounds cliché yet so important, especially these days when communication gets blurred and there is a lot of division in society.
Hmu if you need some fried dough, or a marketing speaker. I gotchuuuuu.
Book Bo’s Dough for a fried dough party! or @bosdough
Middle Meets @middlemeetsbyg |
Be Your Own G @beyourowng