4 Things You Need to Feel Connected
What does it mean to be truly connected to your partner in a relationship? In my professional opinion, you need to feel these 4 things:
👁️Feeling Seen: This goes beyond mere recognition; it's about your partner understanding your essence, validating your emotions, and appreciating your uniqueness, cultivating a profound and authentic emotional bond.
👂 Feeling Heard: This means your partner actively listens, comprehends, and respects your thoughts and emotions. It involves open communication, empathy, and a sense of validation, strengthening the emotional intimacy between you.
🌱Feeling Understood: This signifies that your partner comprehends your perspectives, values, and experiences on a profound level. It involves empathy, patience, and a genuine effort to grasp your feelings, fostering a deeper emotional connection.
🔥Feeling Valued: This means your partner appreciates your worth, respects your contributions, and prioritizes your well-being. It involves mutual respect, consideration, and a sense of importance, nurturing a healthy and cherished partnership.