Culture + Client Service are still King — Not Content
IMO, many current entrepreneurs, and small businesses are chasing money and followers so much they ignore their mission and lose track of the end goal. Meaning, they work hard at creating content, yet don’t have a company ‘culture’ that’s been thought about, created and much less sustained. When they start to grow, they aren’t sure how to handle it. Whether you are a business of one or 25, you must have culture and client service to retain, grow and inspire. Or all the ‘likes’ in the world won’t save you.
Soooo I decided to ask three local small business owners if there was anything they wanted people to know about their own company culture, and what creates a great environment for them…not to flex or anything…yet so we could simply know what’s been successful for them, and pay tribute to those that are not depending solely on social status or pieced together marketing efforts to survive and thrive.
Georgette with Jeff Stopa, Founder of Stopa Landscaping (24 years in biz, a week out of high school!)
Keep it simple, loyal
Jeff and I met when I moved back to CT, and a decade ago and quickly became each other’s clients and friends. We always had a similar way of managing and building and we were able to have tough conversations.
Jeff and his colleagues know that hard work garners good results. Since winters are slower for his company (although they’re also always expanding their services that could include winter like snowplowing and masonry, etc.), from March to July literally every second counts (a la ‘The Bear’ season 2 lol). Jeff has created a culture that has a real authentic, loyal atmosphere and open environment so all can support each other no questions asked. Like I did with my previous company, he goes above and beyond for his colleagues with a manner of humor and dedication and only wants to work with good people that are responsive and deliver top notch client service.
There’s no silly bro marketing with Jeff like “we’re #1!” and all that cheesy stuff; the team simply tries to get better and more efficient.
The education part is big for Jeff & company, like you got to learn and understand this is a service, not a product, yet a living thing and will need specialized attention. He’s a star. And a fun fact is that he still has some of the original three people working with him (as well as many of the same clients!) as when he started many years ago. A testament to how he runs shit.
Like Jeff says, “While we welcome all sorts of personalities, etc., it is nice to have a general understanding of attitude, vibe and communication style upfront”. Agreed! Sometimes success and culture is what you feel in your gut and translating it to others is the icing on the cake.
Award-winning coach, Liz Trond (and her winners), founder of Connecticut Boat Club (CBC). 13 years in biz!
Accountability, yet build a community
Coach Liz Trond is seriously amazing, and I know that firsthand because my daughter rows for her all-female club, Connecticut Boat Club (CBC) . I LOOOOVE that she realized that culture starts at the top, and when she takes out the trash and reinforces that you can’t quit until the whole team is DONE, that’s a great example. She keeps it simple… “you have to love the sport with a passion and have the same passion to teach it”. APPLAUSE!
She also emphasizes not to take mentoring (and being a lifelong mentee) for granted. A grassroots, historical, holistic way to involve someone in something that is so much bigger than them produces more goals and aspirations. It’s not just the standard “we need to win!!!” all the time.
LOVED THIS STATEMENT: “Think about in high school what you would have wanted, and I believe that’s most likely lead by example”. She also believes in hiring the people who can do a little bit of it ALL, and not just the parts they “like”. Because we all know that isn’t realistic; to just go through life doing only what you want all the time. EQ (emotional quotient) is just as important as IQ (intelligence quotient). (PS- I know this sounds just like ME if you know me lol).
She and the other leaders at CBC aren’t just coaches; they teach the legacy, history, challenges and triumphs of those before them. Basically, interconnecting a strong network of women.
“Legacy and accountability ARE cool, and that’s what we try to teach”. The accountability in a sport like rowing is intense because you must take care of your own boat and keep it pristine.
To sum up the awesome culture she’s created: you must have love and passion for teaching, you must show we’re all part of something bigger and teach all students about teamwork and accountability.
Georgette with Cait Fitzpatrick (L), Partner at BWB (4 years in biz)
Ask more questions and be the “gentle” lion
My dope branding bud and her co-founder cultivated an opportunity really…I know firsthand that most brand building agencies do not listen, they simply speak. BWB is a holistic creative agency for those with a little revolution in their hearts.
What I LOVE: “We are constantly asking the questions: how can we be more equitable, honest, authentic? Is our intention in line with our impact? How is our privilege and power showing up? Where are our weaknesses or ignorance? And, how can we, individually and collectively, get more free? We are not perfect, but we are committed to doing our work”.
They have found that connecting on an emotional level is rare in our industry. (DUUUDE, I could not agree more so this approach is authentic AF). The vulnerability that we model, and that our clients give us in turn, creates much more than a “client” relationship. We’re in the work with them in a way, which is what makes our style unique.
Cait proves that you can be effective and not have to be a follower. And a branding agency that doesn’t LIVE on social media?? CAN I GET A YASSS!
Important reminders, my friends. When your culture feels safe and realistic, you’re going to attract that. OH! And best tagline ever, “We don’t manufacture brands, we midwife them”.
There is SO MUCH to talk through these days. Yet, culture as well as client service will always be in fashion darling. Word of mouth and reputation will always be in style and effective. While some things change, the 101 mission and ethics of any biz should stay the same because it’s not just about the online fame, etc.
I once had synchronized swimmers at an event for my colleagues when I had my last company. Why? It fit into our culture because it was unexpected, fun, unique, entertaining, and fit our brand. We were a virtual company almost two decades ago, before that was a thing. So, we had to create culture in a big WAY.
Always remember your culture, and evolve your client service.
Site coming soon:
Local badasses:
Jeff Stopa, Stopa’s Landscaping
Liz Trond, CBC
Cait Fitzpatrick, BWB