Good news! All hail the family business!
It’s still “cool to be kind” and accountability and trust are still the G.O.A.T.!
Listen y’all…I would have given ANYTHING to work with/for my dad FOREVER. He always let me help him in the high school that he worked at when we were both off for summer. I’d make copies and clean up and follow him like a puppy. Listening to the way others interacted with him and appreciated him was a dream for me! He was also a coach so let me help sell candy at the football games. I immediately knew that I inherited my dad’s empathetic side of wanting to help others. And love of being authentic and kind to all, even though he was (thankfully!) much quieter than me. He was my bestie.
Meet my friend Josue Veliz Ortiz, who basically grew up with a paintbrush in his hand, and a smile on his face. His parents immigrated from Guatemala and since have started, and grown, several family-run businesses, including Future Painting (FP). His pops is his bestie too.
Josue (now 26) admits post high school education wasn’t for him. He didn’t like school and guess what? THAT IS OK! School is not for all. And he is a great communicator and loves people, so a service business was such an awesome option. “Being empathetic and getting to know others and in turn, HOW to help them, is the mission of FP. I have so much pride and honor and almost MUST keep it going strong. As the first born, I wanted to take the lead as my dad (and the lessons he taught me) are my idols”. Josue is excellent at building relationships with clients and has helped them with everything. His honesty with clients (he’s known to tell clients when their requests aren’t a MUST, only a NEED…never upselling them).
“Learning the actual trade, while also learning about dealing with all kinds of personalities, spending time with my father and truly witnessING entrepreneurship up close was “life school” at its finest”.
FP has been around for a record 25 years and Josue’s commitment shines through with every convo I have with him.
Josue’s plans to diversify services and work with more areas of CT and NY are underway and his dad couldn’t be more excited. Yet again, that respect is key because Josue’s dedication means that he always still runs big decisions by his father still. And would never compromise their reputation. This young man’s dedication is unmatched.
Josue’s 23rd birthday with his family!
In my columns here at IAFM, I talk a lot about being responsive and other “101” biz concepts that are in my DNA. It’s honestly what has made my “success” over the years. And success can be legacy, morality, affecting change…. not always simply financial. As a young man of 26, what strikes me about people like Josue is he gets this already.
Everything is always cyclical in business, and the “family-owned businesses” model was not coveted or as respected as it should have been over the years. I feel the authenticity and drive and honesty of so many family businesses are finally getting the spotlight they deserve. My teens help me with my food trailer sometimes and I know it’s been so interesting to us because we immediately learned so much about each other, like how each other deals with pressure/tough customers/physical labor.
Be a sponge if you’re able to join the family biz (there are so many lessons beyond the actual ‘job’ that will help in life)
School isn’t for all, and there are so many paths that are right in front of our eyes
Even if you aren’t involved long term in your family’s biz, the education of seeing project from inception through fruition is key
Seeing a family member ‘work’ is super helpful in terms of understanding—AND APPRECIATING—them.
Check out Future Painting LLC here!