What was the last new thing you learned about your spouse?
Communication is the #1 thing that couples struggle with when they come to meet with me. Yup, it's not orgasms or foreplay or lack of libido. It's the lack of or inability to communicate with one another effectively.
As parents, our communication becomes so transactional. What time are you getting home? What's for dinner? Can you pick up Johnny from soccer? Did you fold the laundry? Can you take out the trash? When is your business trip again? My mother is coming over this weekend. And on and on.
When was the last time you actually sat and had a conversation with your partner about something other than work, kids, household things etc.?
I have to remind my couples that they are more than mom and dad (mom). They are still people with hobbies, interests, and ideas and if they don't cultivate that within their relationship, they will grow further and further apart from themselves and one another.
Each day, for 90 days, my couples receive a daily question in their email to ask one another. It varies from silly (would you rather type questions) to deeper questions like "what's a secret you've never told me". The topics are broad and it opens space for them to continue to foster their knowledge and connection with one another.
If you and your partner are struggling with communication, visit my website www.jennifer-melville.com and apply for a FREE Discovery Session with me.